Week Four I Day 5


“Learning to listen to God and examine your life and weigh your convictions and make this kind of decision is hard but it’s also one of the ways we grow.”



Out of all the many mysteries in Scripture, the one I keep coming back to is God’s invitation to collaborate. He invites humans into His redemptive plan by asking us to partner with Him through prayer, ministry, engaging our gifts in the world around us and, of course, by giving.

Giving isn’t just an obligation; it’s an invitation to collaborate with the God of the Universe. Honestly, God can, and will, accomplish His plan without you and me or our resources, but He’s asking us to be a part of it. He wants us to be involved in His redemptive work.

When I think of listening to God in giving, I think of walking the streets of Chicago and listening to the loud voice in my head that’s telling me to buy the homeless woman on the corner a meal or to give her my mittens or to hear her story. Sometimes we’re confronted by need and God’s voice seems to be on a loudspeaker in our heads.

Sometimes, though, God’s voice is much quieter. Sometimes it’s a little tug when you’re looking over your checkbook at the end of the month. What if in that moment God is asking you to collaborate with Him in His redemptive work in the world? What would it look like to listen to His invitation? Seize the opportunity to listen to God and to give decidedly to His Kingdom out of your wealth in time, money, talent, love and all your gifts.



Joanna Tong and her husband Stefan have been attending Christ Church for more than 3 years. She serves as a small group leader with the SHYG High School group and runs Sisterhood for High School girls.



Lord, let the truth that you don’t need me, but instead want me, sink deep into me. I am wanted. I am invited to participate in your life and work in this world. Please attune my ears to hear your voice and to respond by offering anything you ask, knowing it was all from you in the first place, so I can experience the joy in collaborating with you.