Week One I Day 1


“Crossing the Jordan meant taking a big dramatic step of faith.”



God said to Jeremiah, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.” (17:7) – whose hope, confidence and assurance are God Himself. Faith and trust are closely related. To trust someone, we must know them well enough to believe they are worthy of that trust. God said to Habakkuk, “The righteous will live, be alive and flourish, by his faith.” If we want to live the new life Jesus has given us, we must make Him our top priority, our primary source. How do we get there? I know of only one way, by spending time alone with Him in His Word, getting to know Him. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). In the Bible, we are given over 700 different names and titles of God, each invested with unique significance, revealing the essence of His character and attributes. Psalm 9:10 says “Those who know Your Name will put their trust in You.” Jesus came to earth that we might know God; He is the logic of God and the exact image of His nature. Sometimes faith is a struggle; often it means contending for it, choosing not to lean on our own understanding, as we are so prone to do, but deliberately choosing to surrender to His sovereignty. To live the new life of faith, we must know Him. Will you press on to know Him, to make it your goal to seek and know Him by His Spirit?



Stephanie Hayes has been part of the Lake Forest and Highland Park campuses for 6+ years, involved in prayer and global outreach.



LORD, I want to know You and serve You with my whole heart, mind and strength. By the breath of Your Spirit within me, help me seek You and learn Your ways.