Enjoy these Daily Devotionals. We hope they encourage you as you REACH.
SERMON QUOTE “God will keep His promises to me. I do not have to fight for my way, for my advantage.” DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT We can count on God keeping His promises because God can do no other than keep His Word. 2 Timothy 2:13 reads, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself.” Applying this truth can be challenging, because we often aren’t sure what He has promised, much less what we need. Many things we’d like, though they may be good, are not part of His plan, which…
SERMON QUOTE “Abraham cared for others. He did not fight to get to the head of the line.” DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT A former professor of mine is known for boldly serving the community. He once shared the question he is asked most: “Why are you doing this?” In response, he leans forward with a twinkle in his eye and asks, “Do you really want to know?” In Genesis 14, an old man risks his whole household to rescue his nephew from calamity. Why? What might compel someone to do something so risky, so illogically…
SERMON QUOTE “Jesus reorganizes our life to be about others. Caring for others. Looking out for others.” DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT It’s interesting to watch how Jesus talks with the woman at the well in John 4. He didn’t just meet her needs but He engaged her life and as He did, her story revealed the needs of her heart. One thing we can draw from this passage is that caring for others needs invites us to engage in their life. Caring for others is more than just seeing their needs, it’s about thoughtfully engaging…
SERMON QUOTE “We are going to be reminded of a pretty important truth – first we make our decisions and then our decisions make us. Choices matter.” DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT One thing that has always amazed me about God – He let’s us decide. When I think about my daughter, who is just a few months shy of her 3rd birthday, letting her make her own choice is often very difficult for me. There are some decisions I find easy to let her make (i.e. what to wear, what toy to play with). But…
SERMON QUOTE “I am not going to dance around this. Giving away your time and money is a radical idea in this culture. And it is generally radically unpopular.” DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT One of the reasons giving is not popular is that the invitation to “give” is an invitation to live by faith. Living by faith has an element of unknown that can create fear, insecurity or anxiety. I want to suggest there is something we need to know before we can give. A former teacher of mine adopted two young boys from a…